The Daily Enlightenment - June 14th: Threshold of Pain
We all have our thresholds of pain. It is important to realise that as ordinary sentient beings without a big heart for tolerance, we will break down in despair when our thresholds are crossed. The greatest pain to be experienced perhaps is the moment of departure at death. The pain is likely to be physical and mental. And all these come from us being attached to life and the loved in life. Physical pain is there because of illness. And mental pain is there due to clinging to wanting another lease of life. Imagine gasping for breath more and more, when you obviously cannot take in another breath. Is this not reminiscent of Hell? It is this craving, so powerful, that "forces" us back to Samsara ceaselessly. May we all prepare to cross this threshold gracefully. The preparation has to start now, while we can still catch our breath, with ease.
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